The Gaming Blender
Welcome to the Gaming Blender Podcast, the Game Design podcast where hosts Matt and Scott combine random game genres and elements to create exciting hypothetical games.
Join us on a creative journey as we blend puzzle-solving with action-adventure, strategy with role-playing, and more. Each episode takes you through our process, discussing gameplay mechanics, captivating storylines, and immersive worlds.
Whether you're a gaming enthusiast or a budding developer, our podcast offers endless inspiration. Explore new narratives, intriguing characters, and engaging gameplay dynamics. The Gaming Blender Podcast challenges traditional gaming norms, delivering fresh ideas and thought-provoking concepts.
Join Matt and Scott as imagination meets innovation, forging the future of gaming. Tune in, subscribe, and unlock the gateway to endless possibilities!
The Gaming Blender
Hero Shooter Mayhem in Gods Among Men
Fancy setting us a gaming challenge? Get in touch here!
Scott's back! In this episode of the Gaming Blender podcast, Matt and Scott discuss the gaming industry and their recent gaming experiences. They then proceed to create a hypothetical game, a hero shooter set during the Trojan War. Players choose mythological heroes with specific abilities granted by the gods. The game incorporates Metroidvania elements, allowing players to unlock new abilities by dedicating kills to different gods. The crafting mechanic allows players to build siege equipment to attack or defend Troy. The narrative revolves around forbidden love and the ongoing conflict between the Greeks and Trojans. The game is titled 'Gods Among Men.'
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Also please get in touch with us at @gamingblendpod or thegamingblenderpod@gmail.com with your ideas for new games and challenges.
We have begun to update our YouTube channel with video playthroughs and we hope to put more up there soon https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZTPuScm5BTf8DdwvaCj0jQ
Keep blending!
Hello, we're back. It's the Gaming Blender. And guess who's here too? Give us Scott's back! I've referred to myself in third person. Yeees. only have you referred to yourself from the third person, but you've broken my intro. Thank you so much for coming back, Scott. How are you? please carry on. I want to hear what the rest of intro was. You obviously prepared Okay, welcome Scott. There we There we go. I am very good at answering your first question. How are you? I'm very, very good. I'm very good. How? I've been, I've been here. I've been ticking along, ticking along perfectly nicely here. It's been, it's been lovely. We've had Pete on. Thank you, Pete. We've had my now wife on. We've had my now wife on. We've had, yes, we had Mr. We had Tom on who did a lovely bit of that narrative. I mean, again, thank you, Tom. Thank you everybody who's taken, taken Scott's place in his absence. Scott, you're back now and things. the gaming industry feel exactly the same as when he left it's all doom and gloom but games are coming out how are you feeling gaming wise at the so I'll be honest and listen, sorry to break the fourth wall, but I have been away for the last nearly four months. and so we, did, we did not recording a few episodes in, sort of what's the word in preparation. So it hasn't, it won't be four months worth of episodes that, that I've missed. but, in that time, I'll be honest, I haven't done as much gaming as I would have liked to. However, now that I'm back. I have purchased Jedi Survivor because I wanted to get it but when it came out it was like £70 and I'm poor so I waited until it on offer and I'm really enjoying it. I'll say it's exactly how you describe it to me Matt, is basically the first one but they've made everything better. Do know what mean? And I was like... buying it at a good time. You're buying it at a good time because they've essentially done up the combat. mean, people were saying that the unpatched version at the start was a bit of a chaotic mess. But all credit to them for going and fixing it. I'm always for people fixing it. There is a whole bigger debate about what kind of, how do you release games? But yes, apparently very good game. People go out and buy it, encourage single player gaming, all that. Yes, and I am, and I think you're on the same page, a big fan of single player gaming and not really, I'm not really a live service kind of guy. Although I'm a big fan of Helldivers 2. you left. Ah, there we go. So Helldivers 2. Interestingly, since you have left it has eaten itself. Yes, I did. So I managed to play a bit while I was away and it has seemed to have, yeah, eaten itself is probably the correct word. It sort of made, they made a few mistakes. Most of them were Sony's fault. I don't think there's been too many of the devs. Yeah, I was about to say, I don't think the devs made too many full on mistakes. think they're naturally a smaller developer and they're just not as used to dealing with it. They've done as well as they can. There's naturally going to be just some drop off. Sony had that mad thing where they said everybody needs a Sony account in order to play Helldive as they tried to jump on the bandwagon. It spectacularly exploded like an explodey thing. But what's happened since is Yes, I was. was. But what you've what you've done, though, you now have a live service game that had all this attention and getting bad press. And unfortunately, I think the bad press is probably not all not necessarily fair. But but still, I do think it's ridden its wave and now it will fade back down. I think it's getting something like 40,000 players as of the steam tracking thing, which is the crossplay tracker, which may not be accurate, but it's still very good. And I wish it all the success in the world because it's very fun. However, I want to see more meta. narrative coming in ideally in the future. I they will do that. think they did have a plan. And then this very small studio just got overwhelmed by how well it was doing. And so they couldn't focus on what they wanted to focus on. so I think now that the numbers have died down again, I think they'll be able to focus on what they want to focus on and sort of get out of it, what they want to get out of it. And then the numbers will probably go up and down again. But yeah, I love it. think if anyone hasn't played Hill Lovers 2, please go and play it. It's the best example of a live service game that I've ever played. know, way they interact with the people who play it and it's just so much fun. And if you've ever played Starship Troopers, is basically like playing Starship Troopers, or basically like playing the film Starship Troopers. It's absolutely brilliant. But yeah, other than that though, I haven't actually been gaming as much, which I'm actually very sad about. There's a hole in my life, Matthew, and you you know, coming back and obviously, you know, doing this podcast again will help to fill that void, I I think that's very emotional. what I'm, I want to give you a quick summary about what's happened. Essentially, what has happened since you've gone, been two lovely state of plays. I don't know if you see it, sorry, but then, well, sorry, not state of play. One was a state of play because it was Sony. The other one was the Xbox Live. And what Xbox have done is quite hilarious this summer because they came out all guns blazing, did an excellent presentation. They blew Sony out of the water. Sony had a very generic thing as far as I'm concerned. Xbox went, no bang, here's Gears of War. Here's Indiana Jones. Here's all these old franchises. We're bringing them How cool is this? And then they went a few weeks later, which is only, I think, came out last week. They said, by the way, Game Pass is now not going to get new games and it also going to be more expensive. Cheers. Cheerio. Bye. Yeah. Um, yeah, that's kind of, I'm not surprised. Okay. That is probably the way I put it. I'm not surprised that's happened. Not really, but I've never really been an Xbox person. I did flirt with the three 60. Um, I've always been, I've always been PlayStation. I Yeah, it's quite, I did have a brief flirtation. Yeah, it doesn't surprise me. I some reason, the big players in the gaming industry seem to be very good at cock ups. It just seems to be what they do. They do something good, and then they somehow ruin it for themselves. They're constantly getting in their own way. I don't really understand why, but hey-ho. Well, I think that they're essentially Xbox. I don't think Xbox sees a long term future for itself and will try and edge its way out and become an app at some sort that you stream or that you, well, I don't know, you stream it or you add it onto your smart TV or it's a little fire stick or whatever. That's my gut feeling for Xbox. I think Xbox wants to be everywhere. I don't think they like the idea of being ironically in a box. I think they like the idea of just they've seen the way Steam blown up and et cetera, et cetera. So I think I can see a future where you have two massive consoles that do two different things, one of which being Sony and one of which being Nintendo. But it'll be interesting to see what happens when the Nintendo Switch 2 comes out, which is rumored to be announced I think later this year and come out start next year, which that'll be interesting to see if that explodes the same way that the Switch did. Hmm, no exactly. I know I agree it will be interesting. However, apologies listeners, have listened to Madden and I rabbit on for a little bit more than usual, but we haven't spoken to each other about gaming in a while, so we needed to get all that out. But I think, Matthew, it's probably time that we maybe make a game. Do you agree? Well, I've got to explain, I've got to explain what the podcast is because I didn't actually go through that. just said, cause you messed up the intro. Let's not forget. so this is the gaming blender podcast, the gaming blender podcast in which we make a brand new hypothetical game every episode. What we do is we take a randomized genre followed by a randomized mechanics and then throw in a randomized narrative right at the end and construct a hypothetical game. So we knew something interesting, something fluid, something fresh and other words beginning with F. So, Scott, how are you looking forward to this? What are you in the mood for? What kind of game would you want to create? What will get your juices flowing per You know what, I'm quite partial to a city builder and I'd quite like to do something like that but then, you know, that's my comfort zone. So maybe something that's not in the comfort zone. As long as it's not a mobile game, please, for the love of the baby Jesus, let it not be a mobile game. Please. Well, for the love of that I can confirm for the love of the baby Jesus that it might be a mobile game. So, so I'm going to just read out what you've got. I've already done the dice draw for this bit. We'll do the narrative draw later on, but you rolled a number four for the Number 4 being a hero shooter. Okay, haven't done one of those in a while. shooter essentially, no we haven't, but hero shooter is a game in which you essentially for it's like Overwatch is a perfect example. Concord, newly announced PlayStation games is another example. You essentially occupy characters that have very specific abilities and you go to head to head often in multiplayer scenarios. Quite popular, popularity slightly fading, but yeah. So imagine it as a sort of I suppose it's a bit of a sort of an RPG shooter kind of thing, let's have a look. So, well, actually, that's a complete lie. It's not an RPG shooter. It's the opposite. It's a class based shooter. That's what it is. And then for your genre, you pulled number 27 and number 12. and I'm gonna leave you in pause just so you fear it. top so I need to do a hero shooter with the numbers 27 and 12. Okay, right So they are Metroidvania by Metroidvania I essentially mean a game of which you unlock new abilities which gives you access usually to different parts of the game or the level. For example we discussed earlier about Jedi and Fallen Order and Jedi Survivor are Metroidvania games because you unlock force abilities you often come back to and number 12 was crafting. Off you okay. interesting. Right. I'm going to focus, I think, first on the hero shooter element. I feel like the other two are very, what's the word, pliable mechanics and so can usually fit, usually fit with what you need them to. So a hero shooter, okay. So, so, okay, by its, by its very definition has to It has to be a shooter. You can't have the same idea with melee combat, is that correct? Or could you do a hero shooter that has melee Well, you could, you could actually, you could, because I was at literally just earlier was playing chivalry, which chivalry is kind of, it is a class based system combat, but you don't have the hero element that it's specific people. I think there's a new game coming out later this year. think it's been in beta or alpha or something like that, which is the Marvel hero shooter. Now Marvel is the perfect example of a hero shooter. Marvel rivals, that's it, because you literally occupy a superhero. which has very specific set of abilities. So I think that is a really good example, a really good base point. It doesn't necessarily have to be a shooter, but you have to have that element of class -based, I was about say class-based warfare, but that's something very Yeah, don't say class warfare. Yes, that's not what we're going for here on the Gaming Blender podcast. Class warfare is not our, it's not our for day. So did you ever play any of the Dynasty Warriors games or the Samurai Warrior games? Cause they're sort of hack and slash games. They're hack and slash games, but it's, this is similar sort similar idea, like you choose a specific hero and they have specific abilities, but it was single player. what would, so you could do a multiplayer version of something like that and have people control specific heroes or specific abilities, but it's all melee. okay. No, I was just, just establishing my, my boundaries. so the question is, do you do, I think, do you do something historical? Do you do something fantasy? like something completely made up or do you use historical, you know, or fables or myths or legends or whatever. the reason they would often do a made up one, whether it be fantasy, whether it be sci -fi, is because you can then give people abilities. Now, if you want to challenge yourself, you can obviously do historical and you'd have to be very specific as in this person is a great archer, this person is a great shield combat or something like that, because you'd have very limited room to play. So I had an idea. Could you do a hero shooter that's melee based but still has elements of sort of shooting stuff? Could you do like a sort of a mythic version of the Trojan War where what you do is you create, basically have to imagine chivalry with the large player numbers and let's say you add You add in some computer bots as well. So a bit like in Battlefront 2, you'll have a mixture of players and bots to sort of even out the sides. And what you do is people get to, the players get to control famous characters from the Greek and Trojan side. So, you you could, and you make them so they all have completely different abilities, completely different weapons. Um, and you make it, you make it a bit like, a bit like Dynasty Warriors was where you make it so that there's sort of these larger than life characters that have these incredible abilities and can sort of, you and these abilities could be, they could be gifted to them from the gods to say, if you are, if you play as Aeneas, okay, Aeneas gets all of his powers from Aphrodite, I think, who's his mother. And so his ability sort of reflect that. Whereas if you, If you play as Ajax, who's sort of like a devotee of Ares, the God of War, then you get very sort of war -y abilities, if that makes sense. then you could have these sort of very, very large battles where, I say very large battles, obviously, what the engine can accomplish, where you have, let's say, let's say you have 100 on 100, and you maybe spring, maybe you have 80 bots on each side and then 20 players on each side. And then they obviously come crashing in together. then, you know, you have bits where you, where you're, being this, this large life here and you're like mowing down, mowing down, you know, foot soldiers. And then you come across like another hero on the battlefield and then you have like a big jewel. a bit like in, a bit like in battlefront too. I think that, I think that could work. then, but now I'm trying to think, how do you put Metroidvania and crafting in it? So before we carry on with that, then we, these heroes, do they, do you get to pick which god you support and that adjusts your ability or are they very locked? just to be kind of accurate to say history in inverted commas, but say, as you said, Ajax is a follower of Ares. So you would limit it. You wouldn't really have much room to play I think maybe you could, maybe that's how you unlock sort of the metroidvania side of things. Maybe you could say that they start off with a certain, maybe you make it a bit like a tech tree, let's say, but you start off, your hero starts off with a few abilities that are within what they were, again, in Enquire to Commerce, historically. But then you get the choice as you, as you, you know, you do more battles and you, and you fight and you, and you get better and you, and you know, whatever it is, whether it's experience points or, or level up and whatever it is, let's say you level up, you then get to, you know, put these points that you earn on a different, so you then get to maybe switch your focus onto someone else and gain different abilities through that God. let's say, let's say it could be something like, your, when you, when you get to the end of the battle, the number of kills you've made, you then get to dedicate those kills to a certain God. And that's how you, you unlock certain abilities to say, um, you could be, you know, you could be Ajax, you, you kill, let's say, let's say you kill 60, 60 people, um, in the battle. And in that, what you do is you then say, ah, uh, I'm going to devote these kills to Athena this time, rather than, uh, Yeah. Yeah, I think that could work. I like the idea of dedicating your kills to the god. I think that's very cool. I think maybe what you could do is say you have a, let's say you have a battlefield, because you've got the thing about hero shooters is going to be repeatability as well. So maybe what you can do is each, because the Trojan War went on, again, historically went on for the sort of 10 years or whatever it was. It went on for a long period of So maybe what you can do is each time you fight, it's like a failed siege on Troy. So it kind of isn't, you're playing as the stalemate. But what you do is you, by using your, Metroidvania element is by unlocking different abilities based on different gods, you can then access different parts of the map using say, let's, I mean, this is gonna sound stupid, but let's Ares gives you the ability of double jump. Let's really hypothetically say So what you do is you go, know, I've got an idea. I can see those are big walls on the map over there and I want to be able to scale them to attack the rest of the city. What I'm going to do instead is I'm going to go and I'm going to go and attack this shrine of Ares. And if I can take that shrine of Ares, then I get maybe, maybe it's a combination of dedicating kills and taking their shrines because you could take it. Cause let's say there's loads of God shrines scattered around and that's where the smaller skirmishes happen because you go, I want to take that shrine. and it kind of throws you into a matchmaking group with loads of AI bots, as you said, in order to get the idea of scale, but then some players who are also fighting over that shrine and you win that shrine, then you can kind of go, right, next battle, I want to take my men to this corner because I now know I can take down the walls because I've got X ability. And then you could also add to that by the crafting element is you can pick up resources during battles and build siege equipment to take on or defend Troy. So you're like setting up. It's a bit like, you know, at the start of the total war games where you have to, that you set your men up, you're having that pre, that pre set up. And it will be quite funny if you're playing online is if you suddenly went, I've bought a big crossbow and some bloke goes, yes. And I've brought with me a fire catapult. sorry. I set your crossbow on fire. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I think I can actually really well. And I think a lot of those sort of, again, those two mechanics, I think we've made them pliable enough that they fit with the genre. Do you feel that's enough to go forward for a narrative? Or do you think we need to flesh out some that works and I actually really like it. I think it's a really nice way of you just have this big map and you pick which skirmishes you want to get involved in. And then maybe the big area in the middle is like, I just want to complete free for all. It's a bit like picking, it's a more interactive way of picking modes rather than from a screen where you go, you want the 20 person where you defend, do this, or do you want a 64? It's much more interactive where you go. I want to do the big battle in the middle, no one wants to take a small shrine and what you're actually doing is picking a game mode but it's hiding it slightly behind narrative which is quite cool. Speaking of which, I do think it's enough to go onto a narrative. However, obviously we've shoehorned ourselves into the problem where we've picked a narrative but now we have to pick another one. So what kind of narrative would you not want here? Because forbidden love works perfectly. Forbidden love is fine. love works perfectly. I don't know. feel like, I mean, the Greek myths were very good at ticking a lot of narrative boxes. So I'm pretty sure we could do something with this. Go on, have at it. Let me know what it You're not gonna believe me. and I'm not gonna let you pick the easy option. I'm not gonna let you pick the easy option because it's forbidden love. Our overall narrative theme for the Trojan War is forbidden Yes it is. Yes it is. know how punish you here because now you're literally that's the myth. You've nailed it. So I don't quite know how to make you fail Yeeees, the gaming blender! who are listening and are aware of the actual myth, the myth is that Paris goes and visits Agamemnon and goes, I like your wife, and puts her on a boat. And the wife goes, I kind of like you too. And they sail back together to Troy, which starts the entire war. So technically, that's forbidden love, which is the genre of narrative that Scott's just chosen. So I'm thinking I want to add to it. How do you add to it? I suppose the forbidden love. You could have quite a funny narrative in the sense of people promising themselves to all the gods and all the gods sort of going out. I thought I was the most important. No, no, it's you. Maybe you could add an element of the opposite happening. maybe let's say you start off being a devotee of Aphrodite or whatever, but let's say you turn and you dedicate too much to, let's say, Hephaestus. You could actually... specific, you went for, went for, you went for, you went for her husband. Yes, exactly. But, but anyway, we won't get very deep into the myths. There's a reason I chose them. let's say you then start dedicating kills to Hephaestus. That could really upset Aphrodite. And then maybe you have a tech tree that goes the other way, whereby if you upset the gods, you could have an opposite thing where they start taking taking stuff away from you. Do know what mean? And then there's a really interesting balance When you're trying to buff yourself, you're also nerfing yourself. Jolly, that would be really interesting. just like, you're just praising yourself just going, yes, and with the might of Ares and Aphrodite goes, yep, sure, but I'll take your legs. Yeah, it could be something like, let's say Ares hates you. or, you know, and then Ares suddenly goes, do you know what? You're not allowed to use your shield anymore. And then you go up against this guy and you're whacking away at him. He's like, why isn't this guy defending? And then it turns out it's because Ares hates him. He's like, why can't I use my shield? idea because it's a it's a good way of balancing because you have this idea of you don't actually no one's going to get to because it's an actually, you've done a really clever way of online matchmaking balancing because if you played the game for ages and ages, you'd never get better. You just get different buffs and different negatives. So in fact, when the way you start might be the most powerful form you ever take. Yep. There's a, a, there's there's a real, there'd be a real balancing act you'd have to do. And then, and because, because there'd be, there'd be some players who would just, they would stick to the middle of the road and they would just go, right, every single match, I'm going to dedicate kills to different, to, different gods, every single one, just so that I can maintain. Then there'll be some that'll be like, they'll look through the ability and they'll go, I don't need to jump. And we'll just say, and we'll just say, aha, Hermes, you're not getting any kills. and so they lose the ability to jump, but then they can do something else really good. It's like, How's the game end? Because if you have the Treadmill, it does have an ending, which is obviously they all jump in that horsey, horsey fella. So I think you intentionally set it, a bit like Chevalry, you intentionally set it in the middle of the war. So in terms of the narrative, you can do bits of the narrative, but they only lead up to, they could lead up to a certain character's death, or they could lead up to a certain point in the war, but it doesn't get to the end game. You don't get to the horse. You could do You could do that as like a free, a free LC or something like that. But, but the gaming blender is dedicated to free LCs. But, but the, the, I think you do that because then, then you, you can, you can span enough of the wall that you can, you can do loads of different maps and you can do loads of different events, but you don't end it. If that makes Well, you could do it if you weren't committed to the idea of if you weren't committed to the eye. Some people like to finish games. Some people like to be done with a game. You could literally do a thing if you pass a certain points kill something like that threshold, you have the opportunity to take part in the Trojan horse. They put your character into the Trojan horse and you have this one off special mission and vice versa. If you're playing as the Trojans, or if you choose to play, then you have this opportunity to defend. they're like one battles and then kind of you get to see a character's ending you get to see how they finish and maybe it's an opportunity for them you can be right okay I can restart I can respect because it's it's a choice you make or you can the game just goes don't worry about it didn't really happen it's just an opportunity to experience it but you kind of need to qualify for it to make it so it feels like a special event It could be that they say they play in a, that the matches could play in a sequence, say, and it depends. So you could, what you could do is you could divide the narrative of the Trojan War into certain flash points that use the different maps. And then what you could do is when you log in, you don't know where along the narrative you are, but you jump in and it could be you jump in in the middle. Okay. And let's say you're the Greeks and you lose a couple of matches, the war will then progress in that direction. the Trojans will start becoming on the offensive. And yeah, and you could have it where, know, the bit in the Iliad where the Trojans attack the ships and all that sort of stuff. And maybe you flip the narrative so that there is a possibility. If say you did a marathon and you played all day, you can get to the point where the Trojans drive the Greeks into the sea and there's like an alternative story. Do you see what I mean? And then, then, but then, then once you get to either the, either one of the ends of the narrative, it then resets and then, and then you get to choose where you want to start again. That throws you into the lobby where that game is. Does that make sense? You could, you could do something like that because then people get to experience the narrative. can choose to do it in stages. That makes sense. That makes sense. So I think that's this we've got the player base a good game. I'm, I'm going to do the summary of the game. Now, I'm going to do the summary. And I'm going to while you think of a name and you can't say Trojan War. Poo. It's got to be slightly more witty than that. So what we've got here is we have a hero shooter with Metroidvania elements and crafting. The hero shooter is going to be you choosing literal mythological heroes during the Siege of Troy, and they're all going to have certain abilities given to them by the gods. Now the Metroidvania element is going to be because you can access different parts of level by claiming favor with the gods and getting special abilities. therefore, for example, if you get really strong, you can knock down the Trojan wall in order to access that element and you'd get that gift Ares or and then for crafting you'd set up your siege equipment. Say you had two slots of siege equipment out of 16 in your team. You'd set that up right at the start of the game. So you're crafting those bits and you need to collect those elements while going around the level. What you have have then is you're able to select which parts of the map you get to attack big central battle or focus on getting the shrines dedicate your kills to the gods winning certain favor in order to get abilities. However, there is a balancing act here. because as you get certain favourable other gods, the contrasting gods will give you negative points. Therefore, every decision you make affects how your character will play and you will lose as much as you gain in order to keep everything balanced. And the game is going to be called... I've got two, they're very, very similar. I've got the first one which is gods and men. Okay, the second one 90 % sure we've used before. The second one is God's Among Men, which I think works God's Among Men is good. I like God's Among Men. God's Among Men could work. Because also you'd code on it when you go God's Among Men, Troy. You know what, I've just had, sorry to do this, and we never usually do this, but I've just had a really good idea. Let me know if you think it's good idea. But you know in Battlefront 2 when you do really well and then you unlock a hero, and then you get to play as a hero, how about if at the start of the game, let's say you choose who you're going to devote your kills to at the start of the game, how about if you get to a certain point, let's say you get like a 12 kill streak, you get to become the avatar of that god for a short period of maybe, maybe it's a big buff. And then you essentially said you become the God that you're most dedicated to. So if it's say, Aphrodite, you become Aphrodite, if it's Zeus, you become Zeus for a period of time, because just essentially, it's a big buff. I like that idea. Anyway, God's got this, you got this, you this among men, right in at the end, but I do like that idea. So I'm going to allow it, I'm going to allow it in the game, Gods among men, which is coming to something near you the moment someone actually sorts this out and starts making our games, eh Scott? yes, someone does need to do that. And if you are that person, please write to us and tell us you're going to make one of these games, we'd be delighted. Yes, hopefully. it. you have to now everybody has to now review this review this podcast if you've enjoyed it. Thank you so much for listening to it. Leave us a review get in touch with us. There's there's contact details in the episode details along with a lovely thing where you press it and you can text us which is great. So feel free to text us and set us a challenge of some sort because that's all lovely and we love hearing from you as well. But in the meantime, thank you. Thank you so much for listening to podcast. It's been lovely to be back. Scott, have you enjoyed it? Your turn. very much enjoyed it and I very much enjoyed the game that we created. I know we've said this a few times about some of our games and it might just be us blowing our own trumpets but I actually really want to play this game. It sounds really fun. It's incredibly egotistical of us, but yes, we love ourselves and we want more. We want more of this. We want to keep making games for you lovely people listening. Again, thank you so much for listening to the Gaming Blender. I have been Matt. and I have been Thank you so much and we will chat to you in a couple of weeks. Cheers all and keep blending. Bye bye now. Bye