The Gaming Blender
Welcome to the Gaming Blender Podcast, the Game Design podcast where hosts Matt and Scott combine random game genres and elements to create exciting hypothetical games.
Join us on a creative journey as we blend puzzle-solving with action-adventure, strategy with role-playing, and more. Each episode takes you through our process, discussing gameplay mechanics, captivating storylines, and immersive worlds.
Whether you're a gaming enthusiast or a budding developer, our podcast offers endless inspiration. Explore new narratives, intriguing characters, and engaging gameplay dynamics. The Gaming Blender Podcast challenges traditional gaming norms, delivering fresh ideas and thought-provoking concepts.
Join Matt and Scott as imagination meets innovation, forging the future of gaming. Tune in, subscribe, and unlock the gateway to endless possibilities!
The Gaming Blender
Underwater MMO - Death From Below
Fancy setting us a gaming challenge? Get in touch here!
Fasten your seatbelts for a high-octane brainstorming session, where we ditch the typical MMO fare for a wild ride featuring vehicle-based gameplay and an assassin targeting mechanics. Scott and I conjure up a universe where strategic target selection meets the thrill of the chase.
We chart a course through the tempestuous seas of World War II naval warfare, conceptualising an MMO where every periscope peek and torpedo launch intensifies the already palpable tension. Picture a world teeming with rivalries, narrative-rich vendettas, and strategic oceanic battles. It's a place where friendships are forged in the fires of war, and every decision has the weight of history behind it. All aboard for a strategic voyage replete with submarines, ships, and the relentless pursuit of victory.
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Keep blending!
Hello and welcome everybody back to the Gaming Blender, the hypothetical gaming podcast, where we create brand new hypothetical video games Every episode. It is amazing to have you back, and what's even more amazing is Scott joins me here now. Hello, scott.
Speaker 2:Hello, matthew. Apparently my presence is amazing and that might be because I'm not amazing at all. But yes, no, always glad to be here on the Gaming Blender podcast. Matthew, how are you?
Speaker 1:I'm very well thank you. I realised that I didn't introduce myself, so you introduced me and I essentially said hello, I'm a human being and there is a Scott with me, and you were like Matthew.
Speaker 2:But you might not have been a human being. Ai has made you great leaps forward. You could have been generated.
Speaker 1:To restart this. Hello and welcome to the Gaming Blender, where I am AI and I am learning.
Speaker 2:Yes, that would be slightly terrifying, but that is potentially the future. It is potentially the future.
Speaker 1:Although I use a lot of AI where I work I work in advertising, I work with CGI and there's a lot where you say to AI, can you do this? Ai looks back at you and goes hello, how are you? And you go. Ah, you didn't really understand my question.
Speaker 2:I did not phrase my question in the precise manner that you required me to say. For you to do your job. No, it's exciting.
Speaker 1:I was about to say, it's an exciting future. However, there is plenty of hurdles to jump for old Mr AI, and there are ways to use it that are good. There are obviously ways that are naughty, like the developers of the Gollum video game, who used chat GPT to do their apology last year, which particularly hilarious. Right video game apology. Right video game whoopsie.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean, that's a bit awkward, isn't it? But you know, hey, I mean you know if it will get better. You know it will become easier for you to hide the fact that you've used chat GPT. It will get cleverer, you know, kids will be able to use all their use, all chat GPT to write all their essays and teachers will be number one. And then, you know, we'll have this whole generation growing up actually doesn't know anything. They'll be like, ah crap, we don't know anything. But hey, that's, that's a hurdle to, that's a hurdle to jump over in 20 years time.
Speaker 1:It is. It is how was your, how was your gaming week been? Because there has been a particularly large radio game drop this week which I know neither of us have played, but we've both were very intrigued by.
Speaker 2:Yes, we are of course mentioning or referring to the new suicide or suicide squad cuddle, the Justice League. Yes, no, it's not. That, was it not cuddle? What is it? It's not cuddle, I don't believe. I think it's something about murdering them. No, well, obviously, I think we.
Speaker 1:I think we discussed it last time, where the we were saying that the reviews perhaps weren't Well, it's pretty, the pre release reviews, the pre release stuff was, was, but it's a bit interesting actually, because I GN are getting a lot of flack on Twitter, or otherwise known as X, on Twitter, on Facebook, on YouTube, all these places, because I do and have heavily taken against it. However, you were telling me just before you started recording, the steam reviews are overwhelmingly positive. They are. They are quite good. They are an election. They are overwhelmingly positive.
Speaker 2:Very good. Thank you. Physics joke from physics joke. I mean, I didn't really understand it because I did very badly in physics, but I think that's what you're doing Positive Very good, but but the yeah, it's. It's interesting that there is two. I mean that they, they really came out against it and said we really don't like this. Yeah, but at the end of the day, reviewers reviewers are not.
Speaker 1:Well, they're not players. I mean just like by full day movies.
Speaker 2:Well, yeah, quite, and you know, reviewers are not necessarily the people to go by. They can give a good barometer, but actually, obviously, it is more often than not players, and the players at least on the. Actually, is it released on console? I think it has, isn't it?
Speaker 1:It has. It has got released on consoles and I think I haven't seen the reviews on consoles. I've just seen what you showed me on steam and I've seen the other reviews. My generic thing is it sounds like it is fun to play, is in it is has. It has a perfectly fine shooter system. However, the level design and everything is very, very bland, and but then the story is quite interesting as well. So it does sound like a real hodgepodge of well, that's good, but that's not so good. But that's good, well, that's not so good.
Speaker 2:So yeah, the interesting thing that I found was that they one particular review that I saw on on YouTube was a bit perturbed by the way they dealt with Batman in the game. So obviously it's no, no spoilers.
Speaker 1:But I would say that Kevin Conroy is one of my heroes of voice acting, and if this this last time we'll hear him, so this doesn't make me sad.
Speaker 2:I absolutely know no spoilers about, about, you know, whatever interactions the students will have with Batman, but this particular review was perturbed by the story arc they took with Batman, which understand, you know. If you find the reviewer and or if you play the game and you get what he's saying, you know, you'll, you'll see it's, it's, you know, because it's because, because that Batman is Rocksteady's character, he just felt like they didn't redo him, do enough justice they should have done, given that he was the main character of he was there is, of one of the one of the arguably one of the best gaming trilogies that's ever been made. So, yeah, I think I will eventually get around to playing it, but it's, it's. It's currently about some price, price.
Speaker 1:I'm going to be watching this. I'm going to be watching the cutscene on YouTube. Yes, I'm just going to watch the cutscenes either, because Rocksteady are good the good writers. I enjoy what they do, but in terms of full on gaming, I just don't have the time in my life for a big looter shooter. It's a sponge of a game?
Speaker 2:No, absolutely, and we may get a Loot-a-shooter today that we can perhaps create.
Speaker 1:We might do. I've already done the roles. So, ladies and gentlemen, if you're new to the podcast, hi, and you look great. So, if you're new to the podcast, what we do is we roll some dice and the results of the dice will decide what genre we will get or Scott will get, because Scott will be leading, as I am the magical host wearing a shiny tuxedo, and then he will also theoretically roll some dice to get game mechanics, and then also, finally, just throw something in. We'll roll a narrative dice and he will combine this all to create a hypothetical video game that usually we genuinely would quite like to play, and we get very disappointed when people don't play them. So, if you're listening, please develop this game that Scott's just about to make.
Speaker 2:Obviously, if it's absolute trash, then you feel no obligation.
Speaker 1:Well, it can't be worse than your proposal to have the animal rutting game last week.
Speaker 2:I mean, that was just a pure case of me not thinking through what I was saying before I said it.
Speaker 1:I can't, we can't explain it. Please check out last week's episode. Check out last week's episode.
Speaker 2:You don't need to Check it out. Check it out, just go for that bit.
Speaker 1:Check it out, because Scott is now on a list somewhere. That's all I'll say.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's most likely. Please tell me what I have to work with this episode.
Speaker 1:What do you want after last week's dating sim I?
Speaker 2:do want. What I don't want dating sim is. That is the main. I'm not that cruel, I'm not.
Speaker 1:if it had rolled dating some, I think I wouldn't have given it to you again as a addictive move.
Speaker 2:That's very kind. I'm actually open to anything, as long as it's not dating sim. Okay, hit me. Hit me with my genre.
Speaker 1:You have an MMO. Okay, I don't think we don't know.
Speaker 2:We play MMO for a while.
Speaker 1:Okay, no, the last time I know. Obviously. We played an MMO together which was the Star Wars game, and the names escaped me. That was a no-reprobl. Yeah, so that was many years ago and we played and it was the great explorations of Kenneth the Welsh Jedd, I think, because I insisted on putting a Welsh accent on when reading all of the cutscenes to you. I remember it was horrific. It was horrific. That was 12 hours Anyway.
Speaker 2:I'm going to have to bore my mechanics, Monsieur.
Speaker 1:So I've given you three mechanics, because the first one felt quite like you could slot it. So the first one you drew was vehicle-based. Now, when you drew that, I thought, well, that works quite nicely because you got MMOs, it kind of works because World of Tanks I know it's not really an MMO, but it kind of works online in terms of fighting. So I wanted a couple more things, so I did a couple more draws and I drew Get ready for a blimp-based MMO.
Speaker 1:That would be very entertaining. Very slow, It'd be like the sort of an obstin-power's S-J After him.
Speaker 2:So we had my local place C of Thieves and we used to get chased for hours. It would be like that, but it would be even slower because it would just like fire.
Speaker 1:I enjoyed you on C of Thieves, standing on the bow of our ship with the megaphone, shouting at the people behind us going. Would you awfully mind leaving us alone? Yes, yes, canon balls whipping past your head, would you awfully mind?
Speaker 2:I was putting my thing up to my screen. Can you go away Flues? They obviously didn't.
Speaker 1:No, they didn't go away, they very much exploded. Dds what are my next two? So the next two are so a Sassans-based targeting system. Okay, so we've done a few times. So that's like a Sassans Creed and it's all. Again lends itself quite nice to MMO, because you sort of have a target that you must go after. It doesn't necessarily have to kill them, it could be kidnapped them. Another good example of a game that does this is Hitman. Hitman is probably the best example actually, where they say you need to dispose of X and you do it whatever way you like.
Speaker 1:And then the final one, which is a little interesting one. We've actually not had this, which is very exciting, in the 57, 56, sorry previous episodes. We've not had this Physics-based focus. Now you might ask what do I mean by that? And I'll say I don't know. I can't remember what I wrote it. I must have been drunk.
Speaker 1:No, what I meant by this is the physics-based focus is essentially when the game relies heavily on a physics system. Now, a good example of this is Half-Life 2. Now, half-life 2 use the gravitational gun, so you are very reliant on moving things around the gravitational gun to solve puzzles. Another one would be Tears of the Kingdom, which, again, highly relies on you putting things together and relying on the physics system within the game. So essentially, what you're trying to do is you're trying to build something but rely heavily on the physics inbuilt system. So a good way of I suppose is just when you drop something in real life, just think about what's making that drop, and then that's how your video game works, and then you build from that. So it's got to be sort of heavy reliance on that. So, whatever, I think the suggestion from my side would be, scott, whatever vehicle you choose, it'd be something that you really feel like you can add in some of the physics into it, so you wouldn't have something that's sniped. You would be off from afar, okay.
Speaker 2:This is interesting. I'm trying to start with the vehicle bit because I feel like you need that before you tie in everything else. The assassin target system you could maybe stretch that a little. I suppose it doesn't have to necessarily be assassination, but have the same sort of idea of targeting. Are you keeping me to the word assassin?
Speaker 1:No, no, no, no Assassins, but I think all you need to do that means is target. I don't know If you say to me you need to.
Speaker 2:It just means who you're targeting to rob or something? Is the key word assassin or is the key word target? If the key word is target, the key word is target.
Speaker 1:The key word is target, but for our American listeners, I didn't want them to think it was a store somewhere in there. Oh, I, see.
Speaker 2:Very good, now, that's fair. The vehicle, though Okay. So what we got? Well, it's obviously the most important, the most important. Yet We've got trains, train. We've got trains. Trains do use physics. Well, everything uses physics. Do you know what I mean? You can have some sort of train based assassin game.
Speaker 1:I'm not sure how you're going to do that, I've taken out the flying Scotsman. Sir, she won't be flying the flag.
Speaker 2:It's world of trains when I was a kid. Obviously you've got fighters, you've got space combat, you've got ships. You've got any ideas that jump to mind? A vehicle base that would work.
Speaker 1:Well, you could do. If you're doing physics systems, you could do. We did planes actually recently, I think. I think we did an aerial base once. I'm thinking what you do non-aerobic a base. I don't know if you've ever seen that, but I haven't seen that much of Submarines.
Speaker 2:Not sure how you'd fit the rest of it in those World of submarines you must do Submarines, because submarines, quite literally, are seeking each other.
Speaker 1:So you could do the assassin system quite easily, Okay, but the physics system is a little bit more tricky, but then I suppose you could do. The physics is how the water reacts to your boat being hit by, like you could do realistic water physics if you get hit by a torpedo.
Speaker 2:We also have submarines, also have a maximum debt. Well, my understanding is that when submarines are built, they have, yes, yes, the pressure Right.
Speaker 2:They have a theoretical maximum depth because of the pressure. However, most people would say that actually you don't actually know until you until it implodes. So you don't actually know until you go deep. You keep going deeper and deeper and deeper and then you find it, which is obviously my ideal, because, no, no, you die. So actually it's not so Okay. Okay, I've got the semblance of an idea. I'm going to roll with your submarine idea. So how about this? So most submarines, like you say, is people. They're trying to if it's submarine, they're trying to find each other and trying to outfox each other. They're trying to basically silently find one another without, without showing themselves up. There's also the if the submarines are attacking ships on the surface, they're doing the same. They're doing the same thing that you know, occasionally popping up, periscoping, popping back down again, and then people aren't people because they're not, so they won't be seeing the video could.
Speaker 1:Just to be clear, scott is currently making the actions of a beaver popping his head over a wall or something like that.
Speaker 2:It's very important because you know, had I not done that, you wouldn't have understood what I was talking about.
Speaker 1:I wouldn't have understood what's periscope means or submarine means. I don't know where I am right now. I think you're all.
Speaker 2:These are all long words and I wasn't. I wasn't sure if you'd know, so I thought I wouldn't periscope.
Speaker 1:I wouldn't be able to periscope.
Speaker 2:God in heaven. That was a joke, ladies and gentlemen. If you, if you had, if you didn't know, it's probably because it wasn't funny. I'm joking, it was funny. So if you, if we do something like that, then you could have maybe, maybe the MMO is not. It's massive in the sense that there are loads and loads of servers, but the servers are small in terms of the maximum players. Let's say, we like patch of sea, yeah. So let's say you have in, like the low, the really low hundreds of players rather than the thousands, okay, and you put here's an idea, right, okay. So let's pretend. Let's pretend.
Speaker 2:Okay, the setting let's turn the setting is World War Three, okay, and that it focuses entirely on the naval warfare. Okay, the players, the players, all play either submarine commanders or ship commanders. Okay, they get. They get to have that choice, your job as your job. If you, if you choose to be a ship captain, your job is to keep your ship alive, okay, the submarine and the submarine commanders are there to either hunt other submarines or try and destroy the ships. Both are able, both are able to kill one another. Okay, but the way you, the way you, the way you could make it, is that the the ships are. The ships are, they're more robust, they can take more hits, but they're less capable of attacking. They can attack but they have to do like depth charges and stuff like that. They're a bit more limited with that the submarines are, they can't really take hits. So you've got to rely on being as stealthy as possible before you buy your torpedoes. But, like I said in, in converse, the ships they have, their torpedoes are are very effective.
Speaker 1:But I think, in which case, what you need, you need the ship to have incredible firepower to essentially the moment the submarine gives itself away. It'd be very difficult for the submarine to escape. Right, I see what you mean. Okay, yeah, because otherwise you just got to all you're doing as the ship player is just pressing forward and waiting to see if you get found.
Speaker 2:Okay, change slightly. So the ship commanders command submarine killers. So they, they, they, so, they, they, so they command specific ships that are designed to target submarines. Okay, so the job is to protect the con, the other convoy. So, let's say, a bit like in World War II, actually no, we could set it during World War II.
Speaker 2:Actually that actually made much more sense. We could do, we could do, you could do the, the battle at the Atlantic, and you could do, you could do the U boats. Actually I think that's that's actually better. We'll do that. And the so, yeah, so the if you're, if you're, if you're ship captain, submarine killer, you're protecting the convoys as they go across the Atlantic doesn't have to just be Atlantic, you can do the other parts of the world as well. And if you're submarines, you're there, obviously, to try and destroy the shipping. And if you're ship captain, you're there, you're there, you're there, you're there, you're the servers. Okay, here's my idea. What you can do is you can take the map of where this conflict takes and sort of separate into boxes, and those boxes are the servers, and different things, different sort of actions happen in each of the.
Speaker 1:So you're saying battleships in very specific segments. If only there was a game like that.
Speaker 2:Yes, Basically yes. What?
Speaker 1:you've done is you've designed battleships.
Speaker 2:Well, it's, it's MMO battleships.
Speaker 1:MMO battleships. Okay, Thank you for listening to the Gaming Blood of Bloodcast, see you next.
Speaker 2:It's finished.
Speaker 2:But then so what you could do is you could have different types of actions.
Speaker 2:So you could have actions where you're say, if you're say this from the submarine's perspective, you're trying to ship the shipping as it goes across the ocean, you're trying to attack the ships in the harbor and all that sort of stuff, and you'd have different, maybe different points to you.
Speaker 2:One of them is like aircraft carrier, okay, and the aircraft can. I think pretty sure by the end of the Second World War aircraft could drop torpedoes into kill submarines if they were sort of like high in the water. So you could expand it there as well. And the I don't know how you'd balance it in terms of, say, you have one server that's in an arbitrary number of 100 people can join that server. I'm not sure how you'd split that down between how many people get to be submarine commanders, how many people get to be plane commanders, but as you I don't know if I'm playing sorry ship commanders, but let's say I think maybe what you do is you play off the sea of thieves idea for the sake of, because what you could do is, let's say, take this physics bit and say our physics element is the ocean, right.
Speaker 1:So what we're going to do is our ocean is procedurally generated in terms of the strength or the choppiness or something like that, which means that the people doing the boats and the people doing the submarines all have to battle against the ocean at the same time. To say, if there's a big current going on, the submarines are going to struggle, or if there's lots of waves and the currents are going to struggle. But maybe we take a leaf out of sea of thieves book and have the boats. You captain. It's not like you are the boat, you're the captain on the boat, you're the crewmate on the boat, you're multiple people. So then what you can do is the captain.
Speaker 1:Some people can be on sonar trying to find the submarines, some people can be driving the ship. Some people can be like, oh God, get on the guns or get on the planes, because it sounds like if you have more variety of ships you can sort of really change it up, and then that might also add to this feeling of oppression. If you have a fifth let's say it's a 10 versus 10 map, but what it means is you have one ship with 10 players on it and then 10 submarines that those players are trying to take out.
Speaker 2:But you can do, you can split the submarine down that way as well. You could do actually, yeah, you could say the submarine's maybe. A ship is like 20 players and the submarine's five, so you just have a little bit of it, because I think there'd probably be less jobs to do on the submarine. Obviously, you've got that. You maybe got the helmsman, the guy, the person on the sonar and perhaps maybe the captain, and then You've got the beaver as well.
Speaker 1:You've got the beaver.
Speaker 2:Obviously the beaver on the periscope the beaver on the periscope yeah, the beaver on the periscope. Yeah, no, I think I can.
Speaker 1:Turkins do you see anything Damn. He always says that. He always says damn.
Speaker 2:Have you ever seen any of the submarine films like Hunt for Red October or anything like?
Speaker 1:that. Oh yeah, Hunt for Red October is one of my favorites.
Speaker 2:I think so tense, and I think especially if you're in the submarine. Actually, if you're either in the submarine or on the ship. Where you're on the ship, you're terrified of being hit by a torpedo. If you're on the sub, you're terrified of being found. So I think you could lead to quite a tense game in a really good way, because you have no idea where each other are, other than when it's almost horror in a sense.
Speaker 1:Did you ever hear of a TV series a while back called the Virgil or the Virgil? It was done on BBC, essentially Vigil Vigil. So it was a murder mystery on a boat, on a submarine, sorry, and someone did post a very funny picture which kind of does ruin Apologies if this ruins the TV series for you. He said Essentially it was a picture of the submarine according to Vigil, and it's a 40. It's like a 400-yard-long submarine where it's like this is the captain's quarters, this is where the medication bay is, this is the inbuilt cinema. This is the world's biggest submarine.
Speaker 2:I do remember watching it going. I feel like submarines are smaller. I might be wrong.
Speaker 1:I didn't think all of them had a ballroom.
Speaker 2:Yeah, not being a submarine, or I might be wrong. So do you know what? I think that would work and I think people would enjoy especially the novelty of Because World War II has a lot of focus in gaming but I don't think that many people have done. There are games where you can do naval stuff during World War II but there aren't many in comparison to, obviously, the stuff that happens.
Speaker 1:I think there's one big one that I can't remember the name of, but it's similar to World of Tank's ships, but I feel like this one. The difference is that sort of multiple player in one space kind of element, and I do I like the idea of sort of Not like the idea of a submarine sinking, but I like the idea of people trying to seal hatches when the submarine's going down and it'll be quite pressurized, pun intended, I feel like the narrative might come and stick its ugly ore into our moor here, maybe to do a bit too much rhyming.
Speaker 1:I have done the narrative role and I think you're going to be actually quite happy considering as well, with 23 minutes in already, to the podcast. It's rivalry. Rivalry, that is very good, but the only thing I was thinking, obviously, is rivalry. There's a natural rivalry built in if you have a war game, which we built in. My question is can you build rivalry into this in the gameplay?
Speaker 2:sense I think you can. I just have an idea. What if Great, what if we add a sort of nuanced multiplayer version of the Nemesis system into this game? Whereby I'm listening, whereby? So? I think that most of the time when people play this MMO, they won't play by themselves, they'll play with group of friends, or at least or at least they'll they'll develop naturally a bit of a crew with other people.
Speaker 2:I'll line up my stuffed toy to collection and say that they're my friends very good and I think what you could do is you could put in a system whereby you if, if, say, particular crews have been in action against one another on multiple occasions, they can essentially choose to get to go into. When they sort of go, choose to go into a server if they're if they're opposing crew is also online, they get the choice of well, you know, these guys killed you last time. Do you want to? Do you want to seek revenge? And then sort of foster this idea? And because the cruise cut, they can't talk to one other. It's not like it's not gonna see if these where you can go and like chapter one other. This is the. You're so separate as you don't have to worry about any toxicity or anything like that, and perhaps perhaps you do something like that and you you spoke rivalry in the game.
Speaker 1:That would be quite funny as well because I, just you, especially if you were just because the idea is secrecy if you just had a little thing pop up at the start, going your rival is on this ship or your rival is and you. What you do is you use a system like GTA, where you used to have crews, so you'd make yourself a crew and you'd be like your rivals that the diddada are somewhere in the ocean yeah, and that it or you or you, or you or you have things that your rivals, so-and-so are now hunting you because they've they've chosen right.
Speaker 2:We're gonna take the mission to go after that ship and you could have it. So, like, as you log in, you get like a maybe the crew gets almost like a little, a little sort of little dossier, that sort of says this this ship, the, the HMS Dover has a really nice idea actually, because if you got rivals, then you can just have they get a little advantage against you, or you get a little advantage against whichever one killed you last.
Speaker 1:Maybe it switches. So, say, if I killed your clan next time, you would get a little dossier on my ship with some weak points, and then, obviously, if you, if you killed me next time, I would then get a dossier, similar dossier one what you were doing and potentially you, they say you know, last seen by reconnaissance aircraft on this heading at this point, at this time and you know tips and then they can do like a little right okay.
Speaker 2:So if that's, if they're heading that way, then we think that we think they're probably gonna be here, and then they get a sense, they get sent off to hunt. I think that would be really fun, because then I like that. I don't know the satisfaction of sinking that ship after you know, after you've, after they sunk you that would be.
Speaker 1:I can imagine that be quite as bad. You'd have to find a good way developing it. You'd have to like limit it to 10 rivals or so and they'd have to be quite clever sort of algorithm to make sure you had a rival that was regularly online, like maybe a couple weeks after service. It would take the average of when clans were online and be like, okay, well, they all match up, these guys all match up, so there's a likelihood of these guys facing edge. You know, I think I'd be fun. Then you get like little insights maybe you even get if you take out your rival. Maybe you even get a reward of essentially seeing your kill cam, but as the ship sinks or the submarine explodes, that's like the reward.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I think that would be quite cool. I think that would be quite cool If you make it so that you can attack aircraft. Let's say, if you're a submarine and let's say one of the missions is that you can, it's an aircraft carrier. You've got to sink the aircraft carrier. Can you make it so people can fly the aircraft, or does that? Does that vary?
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, no, no, no, I think you do. I think you do because I like the idea of, I like the idea in MMO of essentially going, but John usually flies the aircraft and John's not available tonight. Don't worry lads, I've got it and just sort of an aircraft just going off the edge and falling again.
Speaker 2:Oh, do you know what you could do? You could have someone who could fly. You have the option to fly reconnaissance aircraft, so that means that you couldn't. So you'd have to try. And Because there's no such thing as GPS, you can't say they're there. So you'd have to like if you would say, if you were the pilot and you're flying over the ocean, looking outside, and then you see the submarine on, just like the silhouette of submarine or the surface, and you go, oh sausages, there's a submarine down there. And then, but then the pilot then has to try and describe to the ship he's just flown from where that submarine is, without Because he'll be further away from like radar or whatever it's all set out, or whatever He'll be like.
Speaker 1:take a left.
Speaker 2:I said the other left, he's roughly over here. Where's here? I don't know. It's all sea.
Speaker 1:How are you doing circles above it, I think that would be quite entertaining. I think that would I. One thing I took away from CFOs I really like the idea of people having jobs to do on the ship yeah, like spotter or, and I really like. For some reason, one of the most entertaining things you can ever do is parking, because in CFOs, where you just say I'm parking, crunch Did you yeah.
Speaker 2:Did you run a group when we played CFOs? We quickly discovered that I was a useless gunner and couldn't fire a cannon at all. I couldn't hit anything, Whereas Matthew Really good I could hit it. Conversely, I was quite a good captain and driver, Matthew not so much. So our jobs became quite clear cut quite quickly.
Speaker 1:There was one time where this is taking a moment when we need to finish the podcast, but just because I love this story, there was one moment where we both I think you started on the cannons. We just were messing around the cannons and we got attacked by something and I ran instinctively, went right and ran to the cannons, because that's my job, and looked at Scott who had stayed on the cannons. I was like looking at Scott, who was looking at me, and I was looking at Scott who's driving. I believe we then also crashed. Yes, I believe we then did also crash into a lot of whales or something. Anyway, reverting back to this submarine game, scott, I'm going to do a quick summary and then you're going to come up with a magical name. Does that sound good to you? Well, I'm usually terrible at it, but yes, I shall try. You are usually terrible at the names. So what do you call it? I'd like to call it submarine, right? Thank you, thank you.
Speaker 2:Submarine death.
Speaker 1:I'll call it. I like to call it water. It's on water. I don't know why you sound like this. Anyway, so we have an MMO where you drive submarines and ships in World War II with assassin-based mechanics. You take out your opposition. There's the ship you're trying to take out the submarines, there's the submarines you're trying to take out the ship. But there's vehicle-based combat and you'll have this physics element where you have to marshal the sea because the sea is against you, whether it's choppy, whether they're currents, whether it's damaging submarine for going too deep or your ship sinking. You'll have to make sure that you're up to the task and your fellow players will be running around the submarine or ship with you as you split the roles up. As per Sea of Thieves, using the rivalry section, you will get your rivals appear from time to time and you will fight them and you'll get bonus points for taking them out if they appear on your server and it will be called Scott.
Speaker 2:Okay, so I've got three. The first one is called Silent Death.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I like that.
Speaker 2:You've got the open blue, which isn't I'm not sure about that one, and I've got Open water. Probably is Open water. Is that's a film, isn't it?
Speaker 1:It might be. No, it's not.
Speaker 2:They won't say that on the yacht and they can't get back up the ladder.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, it is.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And then they die, I don't know why. Then the submarine comes along Slight tangent and then I've got Death from Below. If you have any bad suggestions, I'm open to it, because I feel like Death from Below.
Speaker 1:There's something in Death from Below I like that. Death from Below, death from yeah, no, I feel like there's something like. I feel like there's something I like the idea from Below the shadows of the deep that sounds like a squid or something or a kraken Death from. Below. Death from Below. What's Death from Below? I'm happy with that Death from Below.
Speaker 2:I think it was.
Speaker 1:Death from Below, coming to all calculators near you. There we are.
Speaker 2:That'll be brilliant.
Speaker 1:Oh, like a Tamagotchi, yes, pressing button, pressing button, pressing button, pressing button, pressing button. The one button you're pressing, which is just what is it? It's torpedoes, it's steering, it's everything. It's everything. What happened? Oh, my Tamagotchi got scared and died. Anyway, this was the Gaming Blender. Thank you so much for listening. We do really appreciate it and if you enjoyed this, please leave us a review. You can also find in the show notes our email to get in touch with us. If you have an idea for a game you'd love us to create. So, because we love a good challenge, but in the meantime, I have been Matt.
Speaker 2:And I have been Scott.
Speaker 1:Thank you again and keep blending everyone. Bye-bye, bye-bye, bye-bye.