The Gaming Blender
Welcome to the Gaming Blender Podcast, the Game Design podcast where hosts Matt and Scott combine random game genres and elements to create exciting hypothetical games.
Join us on a creative journey as we blend puzzle-solving with action-adventure, strategy with role-playing, and more. Each episode takes you through our process, discussing gameplay mechanics, captivating storylines, and immersive worlds.
Whether you're a gaming enthusiast or a budding developer, our podcast offers endless inspiration. Explore new narratives, intriguing characters, and engaging gameplay dynamics. The Gaming Blender Podcast challenges traditional gaming norms, delivering fresh ideas and thought-provoking concepts.
Join Matt and Scott as imagination meets innovation, forging the future of gaming. Tune in, subscribe, and unlock the gateway to endless possibilities!
The Gaming Blender
Dating Sim with Permadeath - Cold Hearts
Fancy setting us a gaming challenge? Get in touch here!
It's official, we've lost our minds. Picture an open-world sandbox where you search for love while dodging the ever-looming threat of permadeath. We craft a narrative of forbidden love and survival, where every shadowy alley could lead to eternity or end it. So, plug in your headphones, and let us escort you through the darkened streets of our imagination in a gaming discussion where the stakes are always high.
Genuinely it's insane!
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Keep blending!
Scott, are you my pal?
Speaker 2:Um no.
Speaker 1:Wait, you've got to be my pal, have you not heard? You've heard, I assume you've heard about pals. Uh, no, you must have heard. Pals have taken over the world. Pals are everything now, because this is coming out four days after the recent Pal world.
Speaker 2:Pal world. Oh right, yes, that was the context I needed. Um, yes, um yes. It has, uh, rather taken off.
Speaker 1:Um the most played game ever on Steam Ever.
Speaker 2:As in it's consecutive players at the same time, isn't it?
Speaker 1:I think it's everything, but it was definitely. It was 1.2 million. At the same time, something along those lines Concurrent players, that is um, that is remarkable, um, especially when you see the.
Speaker 2:Have you seen any?
Speaker 1:clips of the gameplay I've. I've looked at some clips and the clips it's interesting. I feel like it was a game developer. I'm rather amusing idea what happened with my Pokemon made guns for me and then it's kind of taken off and it it looks like Monster Hunter now. It's very strange.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's a. It's a bizarre concept that, on the face of it, shouldn't have worked because of a variety of different things, and yet I think because they've, because they've made the mechanics of the game, um, quite well and they're quite intuitive and people are enjoying it. Um, yeah, and they're quite so deep systems. Then people sort of look past the fact that it's completely ridiculous. And you know, it is clearly a sort of a Pokemon ripoff. Um, yes, for those of you who don't know about Power, go and check it out on Steam.
Speaker 2:Um, it's a multiplayer game in which, um, uh, players move around and an open world. They're able to capture creatures that are called pals, which looks suspiciously like Pokemon. Every part looks like Pokemon, every single part, every single one looks like it was designed off a specific Pokemon. Um, there is one that looks remarkably like Eevee in the fact that it's exactly the same model, it's just a different color. Um, but they have guns and you can essentially force them to do manual labor, to make you things, to then build bigger guns, to then go and capture more pals. It's, it's, it's interesting, interesting, and you can eat them as well. Oh, yes, and of course, if times are hard, you can eat your pals. Um, which is a worrying message to send out into the world. Um, there we go.
Speaker 1:I mean, I think it's the most important message to send out if you, if you are struggling, eat what is literally in front of you and that you love.
Speaker 2:The person in front of you, um is, is the message and everyone, welcome to the gaming blender. Um, uh, this is the, the podcast of hypothetical games, where Matthew and I uh every week, will um make a hypothetical game out of various uh narrative genres and uh and mechanics. Um, matthew, how are you feeling about about today? Are you feeling lucky with the potential dice rolls?
Speaker 1:I'm feeling. I'm feeling very. I've had a very self-reflectionary gaming time over the last few weeks. Um, it's been. It's been a long period of time. I've thought a lot about my life. I'm now wearing contacts for the first time and I'm imagining what it would be like. I don't know why this is complete tangent, but I'm enjoying it. But I, I, I have I currently have contacts in for the first ever time, and it made me think of in the future, when we're all playing video games with augmented reality in our glasses or in our contacts, there'll be a group of people who will have no idea what the what's going on in the world, because they won't be able to put the contacts in the first place. Can we load it? But do you see what was on the news? No, I can't stand the idea of what's happening in the world anymore.
Speaker 2:Yeah, see, this is the thing If you're like me and you can't stand the idea of someone indeed including yourself touching your eyes, which I don't be touching your eyes, I just can't. I mean, contacts that you need to sort of sort of play chicken with your own eye and I and I can't, I can't do that.
Speaker 1:I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm going to die. No, I'm not, no, I'm not, I am, I am, I am, I am, I'm acting.
Speaker 2:Exactly, I can't, I can't do that. It terrifies me. Um, there's a video game in there, so I'm going to, I'm I'm going to miss out. It's, it's going to be me.
Speaker 1:The bloat it's going to be you.
Speaker 2:You're going to be the one going.
Speaker 1:have you played the new? Have you played the new Call of Duty on your pupil no?
Speaker 2:No, no. It's only going to lead to a bit of a problem though, because if you're, if you're, you know it depends how augmented this reality is going to be. It's a point where basically, like it's you know, there's a lot of augmentation going on. Then are you gonna sort of end up running into traffic trying to shoot someone who obviously isn't there. But you're running in traffic because that your whole vision is sort of made up of stuff Actually isn't there, and then you get hit by a truck.
Speaker 1:I want, I want someone to Happen in, someone to be like oh, where did you run into traffic? Oh, I was playing burnout and you go. Oh well, that kind of makes sense thematically, or thematically, your crime was correct.
Speaker 2:So you're suggesting in the future, burnout games will just be. It will be set in the real world, but the cars that you have augmented yeah actually real cars.
Speaker 1:What you'll do is you'll crash into someone and then it will Appear with wipeout or challenger in across your vision.
Speaker 2:This is the thing. Death doesn't exist in the burnout universe, doesn't you?
Speaker 1:you crash and you cause this carnage, but no one actually dies people, just you just imagine everyone getting up going oh it's those guys again. Burnout, guys and then crash sorry boss. I was late to work. While I was caught up in a burnout, pile up, say no more, I've got it.
Speaker 2:I remember there was a mode on, I can't remember which burn out it was, but it was where you had to cause as much destruction as possible.
Speaker 1:You- like catapulted your car. I think it was burn out three. You'd catapult your car into a junction. Whoever caused the most damage, one.
Speaker 2:It was very entertaining but can you imagine that like that that becomes the thing. How much damage can you cause?
Speaker 1:John, didn't you have a pickup truck last week? You'll never believe what happened. I got 4,480.
Speaker 2:Oh, maybe, maybe. Listeners, we are oracles of the future and this is what is going to happen. 100, it's probably unlikely. What we'll do? Well, it's only been six minutes, so now we're going to catapult ourselves into the glory of the podcast. In fact, I'm going to catapult Matthew into the glory of the watch as he squirms After he receives probably some terrible numbers. So, matthew, what I've done for you is I've rolled four separate dice and I'm going to tell you the numbers of three of them now. So, people who are new to the podcast, I have rolled a Die which will tell us what narrative we're going to be using, and I've rolled two more die which are gonna tell us two mechanics that we're gonna sort of fit into this, into the. I said narrative, I meant genre.
Speaker 1:You did say now. I was waiting to correct you, but I will.
Speaker 2:You caught yourself, well done first die listeners Is how long you've been doing this how long a year and a half year and a half.
Speaker 1:I know what I'm doing. You've been doing this as long as you've had a child. Think about that.
Speaker 2:This is the truth, um. The second two will be the mechanics. I promise fourth one. The fourth one truth or a real later is going to be the narrative that we're gonna try and shoehorn in Um at the end, um. But, matthew, what I can reveal now is that for your genre, you have standby the sandbox open world genre, which we haven't had in a while. Um, but I would argue that quite a few games nowadays as you probably all know, listeners are sandbox, open world games.
Speaker 1:It appears to be the I think it's less than it used to be, that I do think that there is that while there was a pre-requisite, I would say over the last 10 years every game had to be open world I do feel that there's a more driven to sort of Narrative focus games and not sort of look, we've got missions in a giant sandpit, yeah, I think um, yeah, that there was.
Speaker 2:There was that sort of. I think you know Scarium did quite well to do the open one. They ever went, yes, that we wanted that. I want that in my game, yeah why a lot of people didn't flesh it out enough, as as they should have done. Um, so, yes, you, you, you have sandbox open world to start with, but your mechanics I was about to say narratives again.
Speaker 1:God sorry.
Speaker 2:What you just let know about me. This is the diamond. Rather incompetent.
Speaker 1:And the whole reason that we have the dice system is because scott kept picking the same number. I gave him 40 numbers and every week a bit. I'll have four, please not for can Um look?
Speaker 2:so what you need to understand, both Matthew and lessons, is that there is no cure for incompetence. Uh, you just have to roll with it. You have to roll with, like the, the die of the die for you.
Speaker 1:There we go.
Speaker 2:Link to back what you have to pair with um open world sandbox is Co-op focus. Okay, I like that. You're gonna love the second one Co-op if you say narrative we're gonna throw you out winder. Hmm, and we've never had this before. Dating sim no.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, oh, you're kidding.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you're the one that made the list. I don't know why you put it in, but it's in there.
Speaker 1:So the reason, the reason I put it in, was because of I believe it's called.
Speaker 2:Is he foolish, foolish man.
Speaker 1:Yes, but I'm being a foolish, foolish man. It's called. It's called doki doki literature club, I believe, or something along the lines, something, something.
Speaker 1:Literature club. You're embarrassing my gaming lack of lack of a car report it. Hang on, I'm going to Google it. While I'm essentially what it is what you're saying, dokey, it is doki doki literature club. Now spoilers ahead for doki doki literature club. So please, please, close your ears if you don't want to know.
Speaker 1:But it starts off as a dating symptom, which, which is a narrative you are set. It's set in a sort of you go to a high school and you do a sort of your. Lots of attractive girls come and talk to you and you do the sort of talk them through the and flirt with them, etc, etc. Normal dating symptoms. Now, what happens is that slowly you realize that it's quite met and one the kids, that she gets quite depressed and ends up killing herself in game, and you have one, one character that, like, takes over your computer to the extent where to win the game you have to log into the game files, delete her characters folder to win the game. I would hardly like I've not played it myself. I did a lot of sort of investigation into because I found it really interesting.
Speaker 2:We are friends on Steve. If I go into your Steve account, am I going to find doki doki dating soon?
Speaker 1:No, I, I have, I have, I have made that private. No one can see.
Speaker 2:No one can see what.
Speaker 1:I find. But on a serious note, I do think there is stuff you can do with this, because you can preach, treat it as a narrative within a, within a specific setting, where you said dating sim, it's something that's set up as you have control of characters and where you interact with them. But there is a specific angle. But that doesn't necessarily mean you just have to do dating. That means you can build a relationship, you can build a world out of it. You could make an American romcom game where you have to act out the bits of the romcom. Now, obviously that's different. Oh idea, oh, no, oh no, go on.
Speaker 1:You know, could you do a video game version of sleepless in Seattle?
Speaker 2:Is it awkward that I've never actually seen the film?
Speaker 1:Right, we're going to. We're going to address that. The point of sleepless in Seattle is two people who are perfect for each other but they keep missing each other and keep never meeting. So what you could do in this co-op focus game is somehow be the objective to meet the other player through general reactions, normal in normal life things, and you could be each be leaving clues throughout it. But that's the difficulty. It's like, set in New York, for example, like, say, say, you take Spider-Man's map, lift it up and you are just a civilian and you're trying to almost detective meet your partner through that and it's co-op focus. So you're both working towards this goal of essentially creating an American romcom, but with your character.
Speaker 2:What stops you from just talking to one another?
Speaker 1:There's got to be I mean you there's got to be a level of like, maybe randomness, if you don't know the other player or I don't know. So you have lots of NPCs you interact with, which you can be. You can, because maybe that would be quite interesting, actually, because if you don't know who the other player is, you have to interact with them almost as NPC testing. So you know the way that there's in speed dating, for example, you have set ways that you meet someone. Right, you have a table, you meet someone at the table. What happens if you take that astute to NPCs? So you have an NPC and you have to meet them in a certain place. Now for the other player. You don't see the other player running around. You only ever see them like you would an NPC. So you're kind of having to work out who the other player is. You don't visually get to like, see, oh, that's clearly the other player, because they're running around like a moron on top of the Eiffel Tower or whatever it is.
Speaker 2:Yes, I mean, as does a brief aside. I think well, I think in this, in this particular episode, we're learning more about you than we have in in any other. What do you mean?
Speaker 1:What do you mean learning more about?
Speaker 2:me You've talked a lot about. Well, first of all, speed dating.
Speaker 1:It's all American. This is all based on American rom-coms.
Speaker 2:I think we need to have a chat about this, about your. You can have a chat.
Speaker 1:This is all based on American rom-coms too. Moving on just texting my fiance just going there on to us run, run I have to say.
Speaker 2:What will she say?
Speaker 1:Do you know one thing that there is? There is something in there in terms of the detective discovering, working out, trying to create the plot of a movie, almost, which could be quite fun.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I think this is.
Speaker 1:this is undoubtedly a very difficult one to do, because it doesn't necessarily I put it in thinking you were going to get it, and so I've definitely screwed myself here.
Speaker 2:So hang on. You're saying you put this in specifically, so I would step on this banana skin.
Speaker 1:Yes, what I have done is I have peeled the banana, I have dropped the banana. Realized that the banana was at my own feet, tried to bend down to pick it up and, in that motion, stepped on said banana and landed on the face.
Speaker 2:You've been Wiley Coyote. You bought an acne trap.
Speaker 1:Yes, I have big anvil and it's fallen on my head.
Speaker 2:Well done, well done. Yeah, I can see. I can see where you're going with that and I think you could make something like that work. I think it's. The downside is, how do you stop them from just? If the goal of the game is to find one another, there will always be many who just go. Should we go on Skype at the same time and just talk?
Speaker 1:about it. You can restrict if you're not playing against someone that you know.
Speaker 2:But then what's the what's the sort of how do you hook them in? So how do you, how do you obviously win, obviously you know sort of winning the game. How do you hook them into finding the other person?
Speaker 1:Is in how we. That's where you need to leave clues with the NSN. Spcc's that's a charity NPC's. That's it for children's charity, not them, not them, um, don't get them involved.
Speaker 2:I think that's where you like we are, we are. We are competent individuals, so occasionally don't know what we're saying.
Speaker 1:So what you could do is you could have a randomized set of attributes for your character. So it doesn't need to be. It's obviously not you. You're not looking for dating sim. What you were attempting to do is match up your character. So you get a randomized group of skills and Likes and dislikes and what you've got to do is kind of match them up with someone else. Now that other person gets given a similar thing. Now by talking to NPCs almost I almost messed that up again there by talking to NPCs you gather more information about people, so you can say that always. But to Sandra and Sandra said that she liked, um, she isn't into rowing, but she had a friend. She knew her sister's friend was really into rowing. You're like right, okay, can I find a way to meet the sister? Oh, there's a party at that, so so it does become a bit of a detective game in terms of Trying to draw the line between stalking and just being.
Speaker 2:It does sound a little bit like your. Yes, it does have a little bit like you're stalking someone.
Speaker 1:I feel that could be quite interesting because it becomes a very dialogue heavy interaction game and you could put a lot of comedy into that, like if the writing's good. It genuinely might be quite funny to play hmm, yeah, I'm not sure how.
Speaker 2:I'm not sure how it would, how it would work in terms of the. So what? So the settings say? Let's say, yeah, you do, you do, you take the map from from spider-man 2 of New York and you put that, you put that in and and you, so you, you load into the game. You say, two people load into the game to people load into the game. Does co-op and just co-op have to be just two people, doesn't it?
Speaker 1:could be multiple people, because obviously you're having these generated characters, so you won't match with another person. So you say if 10 players load in five match, so one matches with one. So there's five couples in there. So there's a right answer. There's a. What I'm trying to say is there's a correct answer to love. There's a crew. That was definable.
Speaker 2:I'm sure I think if a way you could nuance this in a way that, because you know, it's quite a, it's quite a niche Things, obviously no, there's a yeah the moment. There's no, there's no combat, there's no sort of Exploration. Really, it's just sort of you. You would have to market it. People who just want.
Speaker 1:The would you want to do. What you could do is you do. You're the host and I'm not going to define what you do, but you could throw in. You could throw in one more mechanic to just really mess with all this.
Speaker 2:This sounds like begging, this sounds like you're asking me desperately death.
Speaker 1:I'm not asking you desperately, but I agree that could maybe do with a hook. And also it'd be quite funny if you pull up like first-person shooter. If this is motion controls, I'm out how interesting. Oh, no, real-time strategy.
Speaker 2:Are you sure you want this third mechanic?
Speaker 1:go for it. Go for it. I feel like I'm on top of the world. I feel like it could be anything you have got permadeath.
Speaker 2:No, you rolled the dice and the dice put his middle finger. I.
Speaker 1:So you've got a illness, you got terminal illness. You gotta find love, jesus, jesus. Okay oh, I've had a thought. I had a thought okay.
Speaker 2:You could this doesn't necessarily have to be humans to bear with me on this.
Speaker 1:You think it may fly.
Speaker 2:Well, I'm thinking, if you've got, if you've got permadeath, okay, could you do something that's more sort of Animal related? Ie, your, you, you play as an animal and you have to sort of sire some progeny. So it's not really dating, it's more sort of I was trying to do something else.
Speaker 1:I got so much worse. I know what you wanted to go, but it got so much worse. It's not a dating sim, but it's a pause. Horror creeps over his face as he realizes what he's describing.
Speaker 2:I just my thought was not, let's just say thought all the way through.
Speaker 1:Right, I have a, I've got an idea. I've got an idea, take me out.
Speaker 2:No, we're not going anywhere near 20 minutes in and we don't have a solid idea.
Speaker 1:No, no, no. I like this. That's really because I did have the thought earlier and I thought not to go. I didn't want to complicate it, but you could make this really funny by having the world ending right in those really sort of British black comedy ways where everybody acts completely Normally but the world is ended and people are trying to go around their daily life and your main character, whoever it is, drops in which is a side, is just. I'd really like to find them. I really want to find love. I want to find someone to spend that the end, to spend my life with and people around me going. The water is rising and they're generally like fortnight or battle real. The water of New York, whoever it, rises and drives all the people into the center and if you get caught in the floods, you die and it's over. So there is a ticking time limit to find your beloved.
Speaker 2:And what's the purpose of finding your beloved? Is it the? Is it that the last act of love before the? Yeah?
Speaker 1:Equivalent of the playing the music as it gets. The Titanic goes down, but I think you've got a lot of black comedy there. Really funny that people are just going like you're going. Does a Does your sister Sandra like anything that? Does she like to go see films and people go? What are you talking about? I've just killed a fox for food.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that would be quite black.
Speaker 1:I just think that'd be quite funny, just sort of your character. This is obviously in short bites and you can keep adding little bits of narrative, but on that we haven't done the narrative. If we do the narrative now and it's anything apart from Star Cross lovers, we are screwed. If it's revenge.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so oh no, I can tell you, it's not Star Cross lovers. I can tell you that what you've got here is discovery. Discovery, yes.
Speaker 1:Do you want Discovery? I've just knocked my contact lens out in horror. He did what I've knocked my contact lens out by just going. Oh God, when you said discovery, I've wiped my face and I've knocked the contact lens out. So you can only see through one eye. Yeah, I can only see through one eye, so ironically, I can discover nothing right now.
Speaker 2:I was about to say, yeah, yeah, so you've got discovery.
Speaker 1:Right, I'm not sure what you're going to do with that. No discovery Discovery of your true love, Discovery it works, it works perfectly, see. I'm not going to lie, Scott. I don't know what we're saying anymore.
Speaker 2:I'm not going to lie. We've been chatting for 23 minutes and we got a dating sim in a flooding city.
Speaker 1:And you almost did some sort of weird furry game that we're never going to talk about again.
Speaker 2:I'm not going to lie.
Speaker 1:I'm not going to lie. I'm not going to lie, I'm not going to lie. You have got some sort of weird furry game that we're never going to talk about again. I mean this is we've been threatening this for a while. We've come very close to the edge of sanity. We've gone. Dating sim threw us off.
Speaker 2:This you. You are the person who put that particular banana skin.
Speaker 1:I did, but I didn't expect a complete mental breakdown on the suggestion. All I wanted to create was a sleepless in Seattle game and you went too far.
Speaker 2:We can make a sleepless in Seattle game, but you are trying. You asked for a third mechanic and you got permadeye. These are the rules.
Speaker 1:Because are the rules that we made up. And what we have done is we have been buried in a coffin with hammer and nail and we are nailing that coffin down from the inside.
Speaker 2:So, okay, what about this? What about this? Okay, so let's say okay, permadeye, okay, I've got an idea. Okay, have you got an idea? And it goes back to your sleep since the after idea. Okay, vampires, bear with me on this.
Speaker 1:You always go to vampires.
Speaker 2:It's your go to bear with me on this. Okay, okay, let's say that you are, your two players get dropped into the world. Okay, you're both vampires, okay, right, but you are being, you are very much a what's the word? Very much an endangered, endangered species people. There are many people hunting the white rhino of vampire. Many people are hunting you. Okay, and we'll say that in in this world, the only way for a vampire to be safe is for in some way, to find another vampire. To you know true love, let's say it's true love. So let's say, if the vampire finds their true love, it has to be another vampire. Then that in some way I'm quite fleshed this out yet, but in some way, this is, this is panic speaking.
Speaker 1:No, no, no, no, no. It's not. It's not. But this works because the vampire that the true love like. There's a film. Love never dies and love is a very intrinsic theme to vampirism. So go on, I'm all ears. This is so much better than the other animal porn idea.
Speaker 2:The two players have to find one another in order to be safe, and the entire time, throughout the world, you're being hunted, and you can. You know you have to continuously watch, watch out around you, but at the same time you're you're trying to find the other player and then, once you've and actually it could be that you already know one another, it could be that you've been separated. You know you're already in love, you've been separated. You need to find one another again. Right, and the only way you do that. How do you do that? You'd have to find very creative ways of finding one another.
Speaker 1:I think you've got to do it through, I think, to keep the dating syndrome. I think you've got to do it through dialogue mostly, and get clues and maybe find out and be like and you can say, oh, I've got a friend, I've got a friend called John. He never comes out during the day and he never eats my garlic bread. He also got particularly annoyed when I took him to that big cross statue. Yeah, obviously, don't make it as obvious as that, but you could maybe you each have a home that you retreat back to in the day and the idea is that's the ticking clock, that you would go.
Speaker 1:Okay, I think they live there. So I know that they're going to be at that house at midnight or, sorry that that house at 6am. I know they're going to be there. So you have this element of go over to the house and wait for them, so you get to meet. But there is a slight catch there's a chance that they go to your house if they've got it wrong. Right. So it's a Hail Mary attempt, because essentially you, if you go to the wrong house, you're trapped outside you. The permadeff kicks in. So you got to be 100% sure that you're going to the right house to be, otherwise you die.
Speaker 2:And you can also be permadeff by the people that are trying to hunt, exactly the hunters. You're permadeff, so it's very risky and you can, you could, we could make some sort of like you know backstory as to who these people are that are hunting for you, some sort of like order of vampire hunters or something the usual, the usual, the usual. Where does discovery come into it?
Speaker 1:What are you trying to discover, each other? I think that's very simple, just that's it. We just tried to discover one. No that's it. That's it. We have jumped through so many hoops. This episode I am not letting you turn discovery into we didn't quite follow the rules.
Speaker 2:We're dating sim, we're dating sim, so again, I will point out and I'll do this and run after this I will point out that this was a banana skin that you left there so that I would try that I appreciate that I have Donkey Konged myself. Okay, would you like me to do a summary of?
Speaker 1:some stuff as long as you keep it clean, geez.
Speaker 2:Yes, I shall try. Okay, so listeners, what Matthew and I have panicked drivenly cobbled together in the last five minutes of this episode, while we spent the first 20 minutes panicking is an open world sandbox game with dating sim co-op focus and, for some reason, permadeath with a narrative discovery. Permadeath was Matthew's fault. He won today a third.
Speaker 1:It's all my fault. You've been saying it's all my fault all the way through. It is all your fault.
Speaker 2:But while, yes, the set in the set, in our world, the two players will be dropped into the world as two vampires, star crossed lovers that have been separated in some way. They need to find one another across this vast metropolis. However, you obviously can't go out in the daytime being being vampires, so you need to go out at night and try and find one another in not too overt manner, because you're currently being hunted and tracked by an order of vampire killers and if they find you, they will kill you and permadeath so permadeath. So what you need to do is you need to do some investigating, converse, converse, converse with NBC and try and find out who is the other player in order to meet one another and then have true loves, kiss and all that, and then that will that will make you safe. As you can tell, they're playing it fast and loose with this particular episode. You know this was bound to happen at some point. We do have a randomized, a randomized way of doing something.
Speaker 2:Eventually it's going to bite some of the asses. It has to do with dating sim. But yes, Matthew, have you come out with a name for this glorious?
Speaker 1:time at the zoo. What Fun time at the zoo. Very funny. No, I've got lovers of the night or cold hearts.
Speaker 2:Oh, I quite like cold hearts.
Speaker 1:I like cold hearts as well. I thought it was quite poetic.
Speaker 2:Well, we're going to call it cold, that is, cold hearts. Ladies and gentlemen, I believe this will probably be a PC game and it wasn't particularly PC. No, no, it wasn't. Yes, I hope you enjoyed listening to two podcast hosts panic for half an hour. Yes, and I hope you enjoyed that.
Speaker 1:In the meantime, I have been Scott and I need to find my contact, then it is yes.
Speaker 2:Yes, matthew does need to find his contact lens, and we shall see you in a fortnight. Well, you shall hear us in a fortnight's time. Have a good couple of weeks and we hope to see you soon. Bye, bye.
Speaker 1:Bye, now Keep blending.
Speaker 2:Yes, that's.